Author Archives: admin

Global Cooperation

Though one can take issue with individual decisions, investors should be cheered that policymakers are making an orchestrated effort to put Europe’s fiscal house in order.

Alternative Investments Are Important Hedges During a Bear Market

Investors tend to chase performance, buying when prices are high and selling when prices are low. Consistency is the key to avoiding the pitfalls of investing.

Dividend Investing in the Land Down Under

Building wealth by buying and holding high-quality, dividend-paying businesses is a strategy unconstrained by borders. And Australia is among the most attractive destinations for dividend investors in the world.

The Perfect Time for Portfolio Insurance

In a volatile market like this, dividends are more important than ever.

Is Yahoo! For Sale?

Yahoo! shareholders are mad as heck and aren’t going to take it anymore. Current Yahoo! management doesn’t want to lose control, but they may not have a choice.

Investing in Financial Stocks: Finding Value in Negativity

Fund manager Derek Rollingson of ICON Financial (ICFSX) believes that financial stocks will reward patient investors.

Avoiding Investment Penalties on Your IRA

The uncertainty in today’s markets has increased the profile of nontraditional investments, but not all investments are taxed equally. Avoid the following traps and penalties for your IRA investment.

Down Under Digest: Australia Has What China Needs

China’s demand for Australia’s stuff is only increasing. In another Special Edition of MLM, we take a look at how Australia is accommodating those needs, as well as those of other Asian nations.

Italy’s Debt is Downgraded: The Euro is on the Verge of Collapse

Economic data coming out of the U.S. and Europe is as depressing as it gets. Is there anything an investor can do?

The Canadian Oil Sands and the Future of Global Energy Supplies

It’s a matter of simple mathematics: North America can’t afford to abandon development of the Canadian oil sands.