Author Archives: admin

The Investment Case for Contract Drillers

Although the group has been out of favor, some offshore contract drillers offer an attractive combination of defensive qualities and exposure to long-term growth trends. The key is identifying names that have exposure to the business lines that offer the … Continue reading

Two Ginnie Mae Funds for Good, Safe Income

Among the many challenges investors face these days is how to generate decent income at low risk. One of the best solutions for risk-averse investors is to consider no-load mutual funds that invest in Ginnie Maes.

September’s Specialty ETFs

After a lull in August, this month’s pace of ETF launches has been torrid. But not all of these newly launched ETFs are worthwhile.

Met Coal Stocks and Railroads Get Slammed on Lower Coal Shipments

Warnings of lower coal shipments from both Walter Energy and Alpha Natural Resources have investors dumping all coal producers and coal shippers. A close analysis reveals that the problem is not industry-wide, but limited only to met coal producers. Buying … Continue reading

Shareholder Yield: A Strong Indicator of Future Stock Returns

Dividend yield is nice but shareholder yield (dividend yield plus stock buybacks) is even better.

Down Under Digest: Look South to Build Wealth

In another Special Edition of Maple Leaf Memo, we take a bigger-picture look at what’s happening in Australia, emphasize a couple areas where investors can lock in high, sustainable dividends, and set the table for coming attractions.

AT&T Merger with T-Mobile Blocked: Will Justice Department Compromise?

AT&T is battling the U.S. government over its plan to acquire competing wireless carrier T-Mobile USA. Hasn’t anybody told AT&T that the government always wins?

Three Stories About One Thing: Buy Canada

Is Canada “risk off” or “risk on”? Is there such thing as a “good” dividend cut? And what about that pipeline?

The Benefits of Neutrality

Market-neutral funds were all the rage until the financial crisis struck. But a new lineup of ETFs breathes life into a maligned investment strategy.

Prem Watsa of Fairfax Financial is Betting on Deflation and the Bank of Ireland

Prem Watsa is Canada’s Warren Buffett. He is currently both bearish on the U.S. stock market and bullish on a nearly-nationalized Irish Bank, as well as troubled smartphone company Research in Motion. Go figure.