Author Archives: admin

Advances and perspectives in in vitro human gut fermentation modeling

Amanda N. Payne, Annina Zihler, Christophe Chassard, Christophe Lacroix. The gut microbiota is a highly specialized organ containing host-specific assemblages of microbes whereby metabolic activity directly impacts human health and disease. In vitro gut fermenta….

Advances in bacterial transcriptome and transposon insertion-site profiling using second-generation sequencing

Melanie Febrer, Kirsten McLay, Mario Caccamo, Kate B. Twomey, Robert P. Ryan. The arrival of second-generation sequencing has revolutionized the study of bacteria within a short period. The sequence information generated from these platforms has helped in our understanding ….

Genome-wide approaches for cancer gene discovery

Paul M. Lizardi, Matteo Forloni, Narendra Wajapeyee. One of the central aims of cancer research is to identify and characterize cancer-causing alterations in cancer genomes. In recent years, unprecedented advances in genome-wide sequencing, function….

Microalgae and biofuels: A promising partnership?

F. Xavier Malcata. Microalgae have much higher lipid yields than those of agricultural oleaginosous crops, and they do not compromise arable land. Despite this, current microalga-based processes suffer from several ….

Varying virulence: epigenetic control of expression noise and disease processes

Kathryn Miller-Jensen, Siddharth S. Dey, David V. Schaffer, Adam P. Arkin. Gene expression noise is a significant source of phenotypic heterogeneity in otherwise identical populations of cells. Phenotypic heterogeneity can cause reversible drug resistance in diseased cel….

Golden Predator Intersects 46.7m of 3.78 g/t Gold at Carlos Zone, Grew Creek Project, Yukon

VANCOUVER, Jun 21, 2011, 2011 — Golden Predator Corp. (TSX: GPD) (the “Company”) is pleased to announce the results of an additional six core holes from its winter 2011 drill program at the Carlos Zone, Grew Creek Project, Yukon. All … Continue reading

Cellulases: ambiguous nonhomologous enzymes in a genomic perspective

Leonid O. Sukharnikov, Brian J. Cantwell, Mircea Podar, Igor B. Zhulin. The key material for bioethanol production is cellulose, which is one of the main components of the plant cell wall. Enzymatic depolymerization of cellulose is an essential step in … Continue reading

The expanding scope of antimicrobial peptide structures and their modes of action

Leonard T. Nguyen, Evan F. Haney, Hans J. Vogel. Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are an integral part of the innate immune system that protect a host from invading pathogenic bacteria. To help overcome the problem of antimicrobial resistance, cati….

Recombinant lactic acid bacteria as mucosal biotherapeutic agents

Catherine Daniel, Yvonne Roussel, Michiel Kleerebezem, Bruno Pot. The safety status of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and their capacity to survive the passage through the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract) have rendered them excellent candidates for the production o….

Potential of plant proteins for medical applications

Narendra Reddy, Yiqi Yang. Various natural and synthetic polymers are being explored to develop biomaterials for tissue engineering and drug delivery. Although proteins are preferable over carbohydrates and synthetic polyme….