Author Archives: admin

Organ printing: the future of bone regeneration?

Natalja E. Fedorovich, Jacqueline Alblas, Wim E. Hennink, F. Cumhur Öner, Wouter J.A. Dhert. In engineered bone grafts, the combined actions of bone-forming cells, matrix and bioactive stimuli determine the eventual performance of the implant. The current notion is that … Continue reading

Molecular aptamers for drug delivery

Weihong Tan, Hui Wang, Yan Chen, Xiaobing Zhang, Haizhen Zhu, Chaoyong Yang, Ronghua Yang, Chen Liu. The active targeting of drugs in a cell-, tissue- or disease-specific manner represents a potentially powerful technology with widespread applications in medicine, including the … Continue reading

Molecular aptamers for drug delivery

Weihong Tan, Hui Wang, Yan Chen, Xiaobing Zhang, Haizhen Zhu, Chaoyong Yang, Ronghua Yang, Chen Liu. The active targeting of drugs in a cell-, tissue- or disease-specific manner represents a potentially powerful technology with widespread applications in medicine, including the … Continue reading

Enzyme-assisted extraction of bioactives from plants

Munish Puri, Deepika Sharma, Colin J. Barrow. Demand for new and novel natural compounds has intensified the development of plant-derived compounds known as bioactives that either promote health or are toxic when ingested. Enhanced release of….

Emerging technologies for point-of-care CD4 T-lymphocyte counting

David S. Boyle, Kenneth R. Hawkins, Matthew S. Steele, Mitra Singhal, Xuanhong Cheng. A CD4 T-lymphocyte count determines eligibility for antiretroviral therapy (ART) in patients recently diagnosed with HIV and also monitors the efficacy of ART treatment thereafter. ART slows … Continue reading

Bioluminescence imaging: progress and applications

Christian E. Badr, Bakhos A. Tannous. Application of bioluminescence imaging has increased tremendously in the past decade and has significantly contributed to core conceptual advances in biomedical research. This technology provides ….

Cytochrome P450 monooxygenases: an update on perspectives for synthetic application

Vlada B. Urlacher, Marco Girhard. Cytochrome P450 monooxygenases (P450s) are versatile biocatalysts that catalyze the regio- and stereospecific oxidation of non-activated hydrocarbons under mild conditions, which is a challenging t….

Improving photosynthesis for algal biofuels: toward a green revolution

Patrick G. Stephenson, C. Mark Moore, Matthew J. Terry, Mikhail V. Zubkov, Thomas S. Bibby. Biofuels derived from marine algae are a potential source of sustainable energy that can contribute to future global demands. The realisation of this potential will … Continue reading

Improving photosynthesis for algal biofuels: toward a green revolution

Patrick G. Stephenson, C. Mark Moore, Matthew J. Terry, Mikhail V. Zubkov, Thomas S. Bibby. Biofuels derived from marine algae are a potential source of sustainable energy that can contribute to future global demands. The realisation of this potential will … Continue reading

Self-folding devices and materials for biomedical applications

Christina L. Randall, Evin Gultepe, David H. Gracias. Because the native cellular environment is 3D, there is a need to extend planar, micro- and nanostructured biomedical devices to the third dimension. Self-folding methods can extend the precision ….