Author Archives: admin

Fixes sought for 2nd-chance law – Fort Wayne Journal Gazette

INDIANAPOLIS – Legislators are taking a second look at a law passed this year to give Hoosiers with non-violent criminal pasts a second chance. The General Assembly in April approved House Bill 1211 after a complete rewrite was done in … Continue reading

Federal Courts Adopt Pilot For Patent Disputes – Wall Street Journal

Loretta A. Preska, the SDNY’s chief judge, said the district’s judges are “well-versed” in patent law, but “this pilot will further refine the court’s expertise, and it will ultimately help us better serve patent litigants.”

Guest commentary: UAW backs Korea trade agreement – Detroit Free Press

contains meaningful trade law enforcement and makes stronger labor and environmental commitments. Under the 2007 proposed agreement, almost 90% of Korea’s auto exports to the U.S. would have received immediate duty-free access. Under the …

Law firm to host art show and reception –

The law firm of Ashenfelter, Slous, McDonough & Trevenen, at 363 Bloomfield Ave., Suite 2C, is hosting an art show that opens on Wednesday, Oct. 26, from 6 to 8 p.m. Local artists, craftsmen, and mixed-media designers, as well as … Continue reading

DOJ seeks complaints against Alabama law –

… s top civil rights lawyer went to Alabama on Thursday to urge people to report civil rights violations related to the state’s restrictive new immigration law. Tom Perez, assistant attorney general for the civil rights division of the Justice … Continue reading

Considering Contingency Fees In Jury Deliberations –

Law360, New York (October 14, 2011, 12:44 PM ET) — The national discussion about “tort reform” has made Americans question the legitimacy of civil lawsuits and the effects damages and legal fees have on industries and taxpayers. Jurors have definitely … Continue reading

In Person: A Career in Biotech Patent Law – Science Now

Patent professionals work in companies, state and federal governments (including USPTO), private institutes, and nongovernmental organizations. I began to consider patent law as a career after working closely with a patent attorney to help prepare a patent …

Flexible labour laws likely in new policy – Deccan Herald

The new labour management norms would encourage “unwritten rules” for the unions and employers. “The stress will be on modification in employment laws and in shop floor practices,” he said. However, what could be a dampener for the industry is … Continue reading

New Website Launched to Help Injured Seamen Nationwide – YAHOO!

These seamen can often be left between a rock and a hard place as maritime law differs from workers’ compensation. It is not a matter of simply filing a workers’ comp claim to help them recover the damages that they … Continue reading

Understanding China’s Social Insurance Law for Foreign Employees – Associated Content

It is mandatory for employers to buy certain types of insurance coverage, in certain countries. For example, in U.K. employers must buy employer’s liability insurance, and this can be obtained either locally or by extending the head office policy. As … Continue reading